​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ South Carol​ina Department of Revenue
Alcohol Beverage Licensing
PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0907

Phone: 803-898-5864

Report alcohol-related violations:

ABL license​ directory

Welcome to the​ ABL licensing directory. This page will help you find the ABL licenses​ and permits you need to lawfully manufacture and produce, import, ​distribute, sell, and serve alcohol from your ​business, events, private functions, and more.

Applying for licenses and permits​

See why applying online is fast and easy using the SCDOR's free tax portal, MyDORWAY

  • Automatic checkpoints help you avoid errors that are commonly found on paper applications. 
  • ABL applications are automatically submitted to the SCDOR for processing once you complete it on MyDORWAY - no need to mail or deliver paper applications to our offices!

Some ABL licenses and permits require you to first obtain a ​Retail License from the SCDOR - including those listed on the ​Application for Retail Beer, Wine, and Liquor (ABL-901). After your Retail License has been issued, you must log in to MyDORWAY to apply for these licenses and permits. Select a license below to see license-specific application instructions and requirements. ​​​

Paper applications and supplemental forms are also available if you’re unable to apply on MyDORWAY.


Licenses & Permits​

Select a category below to see license and permit specific ​requirements, fees, and FAQs.


Frequently asked questions about ABL licensing

Select a category below to see commonly asked questions and their answers.

Look up an ABL License or Sales ​Tax Retail License on MyDORWAY

MyDORWAY​ provides compliance searches to the public,​ including the following searches: ​

Nee​​d more ​help​​​?

​​​ Wondering if you should submit your ABL application on MyDORWAY?Read our latest article for more instructions and tips >​
​Our FREE ABL Workshops are virtual and cover​ licensing basics, including applications and renewals, special events, and compliance laws.​ ​See class dates ​and register now >​​​
​​​ ​​Planning to host or sell goods and services at an event or festival?​ Get prepared with our Events & Festivals Guide >

