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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ South Carolina Department of Revenue
Alcohol Beverage Licensing
PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0907

Phone: 803-898-5864

Report alcohol-related violations:

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Retail Liquor Store License (PRL)

The Retail Liquor Store License​ authorizes the sale of sealed liquor and wine to go for consumption off the licensed premises, from Monday through Saturday only, from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm.

License renewal

The Retail Liquor Store License must be renewed every two years. The renewal date is based on the county where your business operates, not the date when you applied for or received your license.​ ​ Learn more about the ​renewal schedule​.

​​ ​This license does NOT authorize:
  • The sale of liquor on Sunday
  • The sale of liquor after 7:00 p.m. 
  • The sale of liquor for on-premises consumption
  • The consumption of liquor on the premises
  • The sale of any items other than liquor or wine, including any food or merchandise
  • The sale of beer
  • The distilling, brewing, fermenting, blending, and bottling of any beverage containing alcohol at the licensed location
  • Curbside sales or pickup, drive-through sales or pickup, or delivery of liquor to purchasers

After logging in, select the More tab, then click Apply for a New Alcohol Beverage License.​​

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​Application requirements and instructions​

First, it's important for you to review the general ABL applicant re​quirements listed on the ABL license directory page.

When you’re ready to apply, we recommend submitting your application using our free online tax portal, MyDORWAY. It’s faster and easier than completing a paper application, and you don’t have to worry about mail proc​essing or making a trip to one of our offices.​

  • Non-refundable filing fee: $200 (Due at the time your application is submitted)
  • License fee: $1,400 (​Due every two years with li​cense renewal)
    • ​You must pay a prorated amount of the license fee after your Retail Liquor Store License application has been approved by the SCDOR.

License requirements ​​
  • You must first have a valid South Carolina Retail License. If you have not yet applied for a Retail License, get started here.
  • You must submit a completed Application for Retail Beer, Wine, and Liquor (ABL-9​​​01), including all supplemental forms. See Required Forms below for more information. We recommend applying on MyDORWAY, but if submitting a paper copy of the application, make sure it’s signed and dated.
  • You must have an advertisement run in an approved newspaper that notifies the public that you have applied for an alcohol license. See Required Signs & Notices below for more information.
  • You must submit a copy of the lease, deed, writing from a local municipality, or enforceable written contract that grants you the right to use and control the licensed premises. This document must designate the specific area of the premises that will be licensed. In addition, you may supplement this document by submitting a copy of the ABL Lease Supplemental Information​ form (ABL-977).
  • No person may have direct or indirect ownership, influence, or financial interest in more than one of the following entities: a manufacturer, a distributor, or a retailer of alcoholic liquors.

​120-Day Temporary License

If you have assumed control of a business that sells beer and wine under a valid Retail Liquor Store License, you must apply for your own permit. While your application is being considered by the SCDOR, you can apply for a 120-day temporary license. You must apply for the 120-day temporary license at the same time you submit the application for the permanent license. This license allows you to continue selling beer and wine for 120 days or until your permanent license application is processed, whichever is sooner. Extensions of the 120 day period will not be granted.                 

Frequently asked questions

Review the FAQs below for answers to frequently asked questions about the Retail Liquor Store License. Our Liquor​ and ​Operating an ABL Business​​ pages ​have ​additional helpful information.​

Regulation 7-300.4​ allows for a retail liquor store to transfer alcoholic liquor to another retail liquor store if:
(a) the same person holds the license for both retail stores;
(b) the transfer is made by common carrier, a licensed wholesaler’s truck, or by vehicle owned and operated by the licensee;
(c) the transfer is properly documented as required by the regulation; and
(d) notice of the transfer is provided to SCDOR in advance. Section 61-6-2430 allows a wholesale distributor to provide pricing discounts “based on quantity purchases if all discounts are on price only for each location, appear on the sales records, and are available to all licensed retail dealers….” S.C. Code Ann. § 61-6-2430.

Accordingly, a retail liquor store may transfer alcoholic liquor to another store but is prohibited from aggregating purchases from a licensed wholesaler to qualify for the quantity discount allowed by S.C. Code Ann. § 61-6-2430.

The SCDOR is tasked with administering the provisions of Title 61 including the accompanying regulations. S.C. Code Ann. §§ 61-2-20 & 61-2-30. When a statute and a regulation can be applied in a contradictory manner, the SCDOR will make every effort to reconcile them so as to render both operative. In this circumstance, the Department will not prohibit a retail liquor licensee from transferring alcoholic liquor between stores simply because that dealer qualified for quantity discounts at one store but not another. On the other hand, the Department must ensure that retail liquor licensees are not unlawfully intermixing orders to falsely obtain quantity discounts.

Toward that end, the SCDOR will not absolutely prohibit a licensee from transferring alcoholic liquor obtained from a wholesaler at a quantity pricing discount (“the discounted product”). Nevertheless, there must be limitations on the manner and quantity of allowable transfers. 
  • ​​The discounted product may not be transferred to a receiving location unless the identical product is routinely​ purchased from a wholesaler and stocked on shelves at the receiving location.
  • The discounted product may not be transferred from one licensed location to another within 60 days of delivery to transferring licensed location.
  • No more than 40 liters of the identical discounted product may be transferred from the original purchasing licensed location to any receiving location.
  • When transferring discounted product, the licensee must so designate the product on the notice form supplied to the SCDOR.

These limitations are not applicable if the receiving location qualifies for the same or more favorable quantity discounts as the transferring location. Both the transferring location and the receiving location should maintain sufficient records to demonstrate adherence to these guidelines or that the guidelines are inapplicable.

Related SC Code of Laws

  • Regulation 7–3​00.4.​ Transfers of Alcoholic Liquor Between Retail Stores
  • SC Code Section 61-2-20​ – Administration and enforcement
  • SC Code Sec​​tion 61-2-30 – ​Personnel​
  • SC Code Section 61-6-141 – Restricts the number of licenses a person or entity can hold 
  • SC Code Section 61-6-151 – Outlines degrees of interest in retail liquor stores
  • SC Code Section 61-6-195 – Requires certification of purchases
  • SC Code Sections 61-6-1500 & 61-6-1510 – Outlines unlawful practices 
  • SC Code Section 61-6-1530​ – Requireds signs to be posted
  • SC Code Section 61-6-1540​ – Prohibits nonalcoholic merchandis​e
  • SC Code Section 61-6-2430​ – Discounting of prices by wholesale distributor
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