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Phone: 1-844-898-8542 Option 2, then Option 6


South Carolina taxable income of estates and trusts are taxed either to the fiduciary or to the beneficiaries, and in the same manner as federal Income Tax purposes.

  • Certain taxable income is distributable to nonresident beneficiaries and is subject to withholding at South Carolina’s top marginal Individual Income Tax rate for the tax year. Some examples of such taxable income are: 
    • ​real estate gains and rentals from property located in South Carolina, and 
    • income flowing through from a business located in South Carolina. 
  • A grantor trust is not taxed as a trust, its income or loss is taxable to the grantor. 
  • Estate Tax -- South Carolina has no Estate Tax for decedents dying on or before January 1, 2005.

South Carolina Tax on the SC1041 is calculated at:
  • 0 to a top rate of 6.2​% for tax year 2024
  • 0 to a top rate of 6.4% for tax year 2023
  • 0 to a top rate of 6.5% for tax year 2022
  • 0 to a top rate of 7% for tax years 2021 and prior 

Tax brackets are adjusted annually for inflation.​

Getting Started: Opening your Fiduciary Tax account with the SCDOR 
Filing a Fiduciary Tax return automatically registers you with the SCDOR.
  • On your first return, check the Initial Return box on the front of the SC1041​
  • Once your Fiduciary Tax account is registered with the SCDOR, we’ll send you a Fiduciary Registration Information letter (SC1154). This letter includes important information about your Fiduciary Tax filing requirements. 
  • To avoid processing delays, be sure to include your FEIN on all returns, payments, and correspondence sent to the SCDOR.

How to file and pay

The fiduciary of a resident estate or trust must file a South Carolina Fiduciary Income Tax return, SC1041​, if the estate or trust: 

  • is required to file a federal Fiduciary Income Tax return for the taxable year 
  • had any South Carolina taxable income for the taxable year 
  • had a beneficiary who is a nonresident 

The fiduciary of a nonresident estate or trust must file a South Carolina Fiduciary Income Tax return if the estate or trust had income or gain that came from South Carolina sources.

​File electronically with a third party​​
The SCDOR's ​online busine​ss services page provides instructions for setting up electronic filing with a third party vendor​, located under Fiduciary.​​

Pay electronically on ​​M​yDORWAY
MyDORWAY​ is the preferred way to securely make payments using a credit card or electronic check (ACH Debit or Electronic Funds Withdrawal). 
Need a MyDORWAY account?​ Sign up
Have questions? See MyDORWAY help

​​​ ​
File by paper
Failure to mail returns ​to the correct address may cause delays in processing. View forms

The SCDOR recommends that fiduciaries request their extension of time to file online using our free tax portal, MyDORWAY. Visit and select Business Income Tax Payment to get started.
  • Your payment on MyDORWAY automatically submits your filing extension request.
  • No additional paperwork required!
If you’re not making your extension request online, mail the SC8736​ to the address on the form.
  • Be sure to include your correct FEIN on the SC8736. Providing an incorrect FEIN results in processing delays and errors in posting payments.
  • Make your check payable to the SCDOR.
  • Include your name, FEIN, tax year, and SC8736 in the memo.
There is no extension of time for payment of your Fiduciary Tax.
The SCDOR recommends that fiduciaries make their Estimated Tax payments online using our free tax portal, MyDORWAY.
  • Pay online using our free tax portal, MyDORWAY, at
    • ​Select Business Income Tax Payment to get started.
    • ​If you have a MyDORWAY account, log in to schedule payments.
    • ​​Do not mail your SC1041ES if you pay online.
If filing your SC1041ES​ by paper:
  • Make your check payable to SCDOR and include your name, FEIN, tax year, and SC1041ES in the memo.
  • Mail your SC1041ES and payment in one envelope.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​Payments & due dates
Your SC1041​ and tax payment is due by the 15th day of the fourth month after the end of your tax year.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​Business Income Tax Refund
Check the status of your current year South Carolina Business Income Tax refund by entering ​the following information on MyDORWAY:

  • FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number)
  • Refund Amount
​ ​

Mailing Addresses:

​Balance due: ​Refund or Zero Tax:Correspondence​
​Extension (SC8736)
​Balance due:

​South Carolina Department of Revenue
Taxable Fiduciary
PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0038

​Refund or Zero Tax:

South Carolina Department of Revenue
Nontaxable Fiduciary
PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0039

South Carolina Department of Revenue 
Fiduciary Tax 
PO Box 125 
Columbia, SC 29214-0400

South Carolina Department of Revenue 
Taxable Extension
PO Box 125 
Columbia, SC 29214-0036