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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ South Carolina Department of Revenue
Alcohol Beverage Licensing
PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0907

Phone: 803-898-5864

Report alcohol-related violations:

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Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit (​PWS)

The Out-of-State Wine Shipper​ Permit ​authorizes a winery to ship wine directly to the residence of a purchasing consumer.

License ​renewal

The Out-of-State Wine Shipper​ Permit must be renewed by August 31 of even years. ​ Learn more about the renewal schedule​.

​​ ​This license does NOT authorize:
  • The manufacturing, fermenting, brewing, or bottling of beer or wine by the license holder at a location within the state
  • The retail sale or on-premises consumption of beer or wine
  • The sale or consumption of liquor
  • The distribution and sale of beer or wine to retail locations
  • Curbside sales or pickup and drive-through sales or pickup of beer and wine

​Application requirements and instructions​

First, it's important for you to review the general ABL applicant requirements listed on the ABL license directory page ​to make sure you are eligible to apply.

When you’re ready to apply, we recommend submitting your application using our free online tax portal, MyDORWAY. It’s faster and easier than completing a paper application, and you don’t have to worry about mail proc​essing or making a trip to one of our offices.​

  • License fee: $600 (Due every two years with license renewal)

License requirements ​​
  • You must have a valid a Wine Producer or Blender’s Permit from the TTB, which is the prerequisite permit that authorizes you to ship wine produced outside the state to a point within the state. 
  • You must submit a completed Application for Out-of-State Wine Shipper License (ABL-571), including all supplemental forms. See Required Forms below for more information. We recommend applying on MyDORWAY​, but if submitting a paper copy of the application, make sure it’s signed and dated. 
  • You must maintain records of the amount of cases of wine shipped to each individual purchaser. 
  • No person may have direct or indirect ownership, influence, or financial interest in more than one of the following entities: a manufacturer, a distributor, or a retailer of beer or wine.​

​​The fastest, easiest way to submit these forms and apply for a Out-of-State Wine Shippe​r Permit is by using our free online tax portal, MyDORWAY

  • Application for Out-of-State Wine Shipper License​ (ABL-571)
  • ​Verification of Lawful Presence in the United States – Applicant and Principals (ABL-920
  • Applicant and Principal Consent and Waiver (ABL-946​)
    • ​​If you’re applying on MyDORWAY, the ABL-920 and ABL-946 are part of the normal application workflow. You do not need to submit or attach a paper copy of the ABL-920 or ABL-946 if applying on MyDORWAY.
  • Wine Producer or Blender’s Permit from the TTB
    • ​​If you’re applying on MyDORWAY, submit the Wine Producer or Blender's Permit as an attachment. You do not need to submit an additional paper copy of these documents if applying on MyDORWAY.​
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Frequently asked questions

Review the FAQs below for answers to frequently asked questions about the Out-of-State Wine Shipp​er Permit​. Our Beer & Wine and ​Operating an ABL Business​​ pages ​have ​additional helpful information.​

To ship to a wholesaler, you must submit the ABL-500 and obtain a Beer & Wine Producer or Importer Permit.

To ship directly to a consumer, you must submit the ABL-571 and obtain an Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit. However, only wineries or manufacturers with a Wine Producer or Blender’s Permit from the TTB can legally ship products directly to consumers’ home address after obtaining the Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit, and there is a limit of 24 bottles per month that you can ship to each resident.
​No, Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit holders do not need to register brands​.
​Yes, if you hold an Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit, you must file the Out-of-State Wine Shipper Report annually. Contact the SCDOR’s Miscellaneous Tax section at 803-896-1970 for more information on reporting requirements.

Related SC Code of Laws

  • SC Code Section 61-4-747 – Outlines the Out-of-State Wine Shipper Permit
  • SC Code Sections 61-4-310 and 61-4-340 – Outlines Producer or Importer Permit
  • SC Code Sections 61-4-735 and 61-4-940​ – Outlines three-tier restrictions​​​