
South Carolina Department of Revenue

PO Box 125
Columbia, SC 29214-0850

Phone: 803-896-1350

​The Busines​s Tax Application

Our MyDORWAY Business Tax ​Application allows you to apply online for a Retail License​ and Business Tax accounts with the SCDOR. ​O​nce your application is approved, you will be notified by email. Please allow up to 5 ​business days for processing.

With our Business Tax Application you can also apply for:

 Who should apply​

In-state and out-of-state businesses can take advantage of our online MyDORWA​Y Business Tax Application. Please review the requirements for your business type ​​before starting your application:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Business Type​

Limited Liability Companies (LLC),
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP),
Limited Par​​tner​ships (LP),
Professional Associations

If you do business in South Carolina, or have a South Carolina business location, these business types must:

  1. register with the South Carolina Secretary of State’s Office, and

  2. have a valid Federal Employer Identification Number (F​​EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).


These business types must have a valid​​ Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).​

​Sole Proprietors

All Sole Proprietors must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

​Remote Sellers
​​​Out-of-state taxpayers who make sales in South Carolina are considered Remote Sellers and may be required to obtain a Retail Sales Tax License based on certain requirements.

​Watch our tutorial to learn more about Remote Sellers.​

 Eligibility and the information you will need to apply

​You can use the MyDORWAY Business Tax Application​ if one of the follow​ing applies:

  • ​​​You are not yet registered as an SC business taxpayer.
  • You are an out-of-state company doing business in SC.
  • You are an out-of-state company with an employee working in SC and need an SC Withholding Tax account.
  • You have no physical presence in SC but have Nexus filing requirements.
  • You are a tax preparer with no SC filing requirement but need to register with the SCDOR to file taxes for your client.

​​You will need to provide:
  • ​Valid ID number (SSN, ITIN​, or FEIN) 
  • Valid address (physical and mailing​)​
  • Business structure​
  • owner and officer information
  • NAICS Code
  • Valid email address​

Need more help?

Want more information about business structures? 
Visit the Internal Revenue Service at IRS.gov or the South Carolina Business One Stop at SCBOS.sc.gov

Need to register your business name in South Carolina? 
Register with the South Carolina Secretary of State

Need to find your NAICS code? 
Find it with the NAICS Association

Want to apply for your Employer Identification Number (EIN)? 
Apply at IRS.gov

Want to learn more about using MyDORWAY? 
Visit our MyDORWAY help page

