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Phone: 803-896-1715
The SCDOR's Batch Withholding Program​ has moved from GoAnywhere to our free online tax portal, MyDORWAY. To continue to participate in the program, you will be required to submit your Batch Withholding file through MyDORWAY. Read more about this u​pdate ​in our recent ​article.
Existing Batch Withholding Preparers do not have to submit a new Batch Withholding Program Application.
  • You will be required to log in to MyDORWAY to submit a Batch Withholding file:
    • If you already have a MyDORWAY account, the SCDOR will automatically update it to include your Batch Withholding access.
    • ​If you do not have a MyDORWAY account, you must sign u​p​ for one to continue filing Batch Withholding files. ​Carefully gather the correct FEINs and Withholding file numbers from your clients so they can be entered into your MyDORWAY account.
​Review the rest of this page for more de​tailed instructions on submitting your files and making payments on MyDORWAY.

 ​The Perks of Batch Withholding

  • ​​​​It’s the easiest way to comply with the electronic mandate for tax preparers (100+ returns per year).
  • You can submit one file for multiple clients or accounts, with both original and amended returns in the same file. 
  • It's safe, secure, and available 24/7. 
  • You receive immediate confirmation once your file is uploaded successfully to MyDORWAY. 
  • You’re immediately notified of file errors, which prevents misfiled returns. 
  • Processing time is reduced.​

The Batch Withholding Program 

If you file 10 or more South Carolina Withholding returns in a quarter, consider using our Batch Withholding Program to quickly and easily file online. In one file, you can report the information normally submitted on the SC Withholding Quarterly Tax Return (WH-1605) or SC Withholding Fourth Quarter/Annual Reconciliation Tax Return (WH-1606) for multiple clients.

Prep​​arers filing more than ​100 returns

​If you are a tax preparer who​ files more than 100 returns per year and are required to file electronically, our Batch Withholding Program is a great option for you.

You must be registered ​with ​the SCDOR​ before you can apply to become a Batch Withholding Preparer. In-state and out-of-state businesses or preparers can take advantage of the SCDOR’s online MyDORWAY Business Tax Application at

After registering, you ​must log in to your MyDORWAY account, select the ​More tab, and​ select Batch Withholding Program Application to apply.​

Learn more about the Batch Withholding Program application ​process.

 Watch the video tutorial
​ View the Batch Withholding Program Guide

What to expect when submitting your fil​es on MyDORWAY ​| See guide instructions

  • File specs will remain the same. 
  • You must submit valid FEINs and Withholding file numbers in Batch Withholding files to avoid your entire batch file from being rejected by MyDORWAY. 
  • ​You’ll be required to submit a Batch Backup Report at the time you submit your Batch Withholding file, and the file must be saved in one of the following formats: .xls, .xlsx, .csv, or .pdf 
  • ​After you’ve submitted your Batch Withholding file, you will receive an immediate confirmation from MyDORWAY. ​

Preparers now have quicker payment options ​ | See guide instructions

You can now submit a MyDORWAY request for ACH Credit payment approval for a client, which immediately gives preparers ACH Credit banking and format details. This can be done for any tax type that accepts ACH Credit payments!

 See how to request​ ACH credit payment instructions in MyDORWAY​.

Bulk Withholding Debit Payments allows preparers to make ACH Debit payments from one bank account for multiple Withholding accounts. 

  • ​​This is only allowed for Withholding pre-payments. 
  • Preparers must have a valid name, FEIN, and Withholding file number. 
  • To receive access to the Bulk Withholding Debit Payment option, preparers must submit a Batch Withholding Program Application. 
  • Preparers do not have to submit Batch Withholding files to submit bulk debit payments.

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   Return Due Dates

1st Quarter
(Jan-Feb-Mar) due by April 30
2nd Quarter
(Apr-May-Jun) due by July 31
3rd Quarter
(Jul-Aug-Sep) due by October 31
4th Quarter
(Oct-Nov-Dec/Annual) due by January 31

 ​Best practices for uploading your batch​ returns

 ​ ​Frequently asked questions