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​​​​​​​​ This page was updated on January 24​​, 2025 for the 2025 filing season. ​
Save time and money by preparing for the new tax season with our filing tips​.

​File your taxes with SCDOR approved software

If you do not qualify for a fr​ee filing option, you can use an approved software vendor listed below to file and submit ​your state and federal return online​​. Click on a vendor's link to get started. ​(​forms and sched​ules)​​​​​ logo

 1040Now ​(​forms and sched​ules)​​​​​

​​     Learn more at ​​​.​
april logo

Cash App Taxes logo

 Cash App Taxes(forms and sched​ules)​​​​

ezTaxReturn logo ​ ​(forms and​ sched​ules) logo​​​

 FileYourTaxes (forms and​ sched​ules)​​​​

FreeTaxUSA logo

FreeTaxUSA  ​(forms and​ sched​ules)​

 H&R Block (forms and sched​ules)​​​​

Intuit TurboTax​ ​(for​ms and sched​ules)​​​​​​

 OnLine Taxes (forms and sched​ules)​​​​​

TaxAct logo

 TaxAct (forms and sched​ules)​​​​

TaxSlayer logo

 TaxSlayer(​forms and sched​ules)​​​​


  • The SCDOR neither endorses nor guarantees the truthfulness of the statements made by online software providers. 
  • Clicking a vendor's link will take you to the commercial vendor's privately owned website. 
  • Review the vendor's terms and conditions so you know what information is collected by this private company. 
  • The SCDOR is unable to provide technical support for commercial software products. Any questions you have while using the software will need to be directed to the vendor's customer support.