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Tax ​Returns​​

A taxpayer whose entire business is transacted or conducted in South Carolina is subject to Income Tax based on the entire taxable income of the business for the taxable year. A taxpayer that transacts or conducts its business partly within and partly outside of South Carolina is subject to Income Tax based on the portion of its business carried on in South Carolina. This portion is determined through allocation and apportionment of income. SC Codes 12​​-6-2220 and 12-6-2230 provide that certain classes of income, less related expenses, are allocated. The income remaining after allocation is apportioned in accordance with SC Code 12-6-2240. South Carolina generally requires the use of one of the following apportionment methods:

  • A “sales only” apportionment method for taxpayers whose principal business in South Carolina is dealing in tangible personal property. 
    • This method is used by businesses that manufacture, sell, or rent tangible personal property. The sales factor is all sales of goods, merchandise, and property in South Carolina to anyone other than the US government, divided by total sales everywhere. The sale takes place where goods are received by the purchaser or his designee after all transportation is completed. Sales in South Carolina include all rentals not allocated from tangible personal property located in South Carolina and sales of intangible personal property and receipts from services of income-producing activities performed entirely within South Carolina. If the income-producing activity is performed partly within and partly outside of South Carolina, sales are attributable to South Carolina to the extent the income-producing activity is performed within South Carolina.
  • A “gross receipts” apportionment method for taxpayers not dealing in tangible personal property. 
    • This method is used by financial businesses and service businesses, including businesses that install or repair tangible personal property, and contractors. This apportionment factor is South Carolina gross receipts divided by gross receipts everywhere. See SC Code 12-6-2290 and 12-6-2295.
  • A “special” apportionment method provided in SC Code 12-6-2310 for certain companies, such as railroad companies, telephone companies, pipeline companies, airline companies, and shipping lines
    • Use the appropriate apportionment method in place of sales only or gross receipts.
  • A taxpayer may apply pursuant to SC Code 12-6-2320​ for an individualized apportionment method tailored to a particular business because the normally required method would not fairly represent the extent of the taxpayer’s business in South Carolina, or as an economic incentive. See our publication South Carolina Tax Incentives for Economic Development for details.