You must enter the type of tax, the tax form number, and the years or periods in order for the power of attorney to be valid. For example, you may list Corporate Income Tax, SC1120 for calendar year 2020.
A general reference to "All years," "All periods," or "All taxes" is not acceptable. The SCDOR will not accept a power of attorney with a general reference. You may list the current year/period and any tax years or periods that have already ended as of the date you sign the power of attorney.
You may include on a power of attorney only future tax periods that end no later than three years after the power of attorney is received by the SCDOR. The three future periods are determined starting after December 31 of the year the power of attorney is received by the SCDOR. You must enter the type of tax, the tax form number, and the future years or periods.
In order to obtain Corporate Tax information using an
SC2848, an officer of the corporation must sign the power of attorney form and the officer listed must be verified on the latest return filed by the corporation. If the officer signing on behalf of the corporation is not verified on the latest Corporate Tax return, a copy of the minutes showing election of the officer and their position must be presented to the SCDOR. Power of Attorney forms and information pertaining to them may be mailed.