Filing a Corporate Tax return automatically registers you with the SCDOR. If this is your first return filed, check the
Initial Return box on the front of the SC1120.
Once your Corporate Income Tax account is registered with the SCDOR, we will send you a Corporate Registration Filing Requirements letter (SC1070). This letter includes important information about your Corporate Income Tax filing requirements. To avoid processing delays, be sure to include your FEIN on all returns, payments, and correspondence sent to the SCDOR.
You are required to file a CL-1 (Initial Annual Report of Corporations) and pay the $25 initial Corporate License Fee within 60 days of doing business or using capital in the state of South Carolina. This fee should be paid to the SCDOR if you have not already done so with the South Carolina Secretary of State (SCSOS).
The SCDOR has no role in requiring a Certificate of Authority with the
SCSOS to do business in South Carolina. Questions about who is required to have a Certificate of Authority should contact the SCSOS. The requirements for a Certificate of Authority are in
Chapter 15 Title 33 of the South Carolina Code of Laws.