

        South Carolina Department of Revenue
        Taxpayer Advocate 
        300 A Outlet Pointe Blvd.
        Columbia, SC 2921​0

        Phone: 803-898-5444
        Fax: 803-896-0151 
        Email: TaxpayerAdvocate@dor.sc.gov

        Taxpayer Advocate 

        The SCDOR's Taxpayer Advocate offers support to taxpayers who have not been able to resolve their state tax issues through the SCDOR's normal, established procedures.

        ​​ ​What the Taxpayer Advocate can do for taxpayers:

        • Listen to issues and complaints regarding their state tax liability
        • Ensure that the SCDOR's policies and procedures do not cause undue hardship
        • Intervene on the taxpayer's behalf if they determine the SCDOR's actions are creating undue hardship or the agency isn't justified in its actions

        The Taxpayer Advocate cannot assist with:

        • Taxes owed to the federal government, counties, municipalities, or other state agencies
        • Non-tax debt, such as bills from hospitals or educational institutions
        • Requests to negotiate debt already in GEAR or Setoff programs

        You can meet with the Taxpayer Advocate…

        • by phone or email
        • at the SCDOR's Columbia office by appointment
        • during the Taxpayer Advocate's periodic visits to other SCDOR locations 

        Taxpayers' Bill of Rights

        ​The Taxpayers' Bill of Rights outlines the rights of South Carolina taxpayers. Find the full text in Title 12, Chapter 58 of the South Carolina Code of Laws.

        • You have the right to apply for assistance from the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) Taxpayers' Rights Advocate to facilitate a resolution for complaints and problems.
        • You have the right to fair, prompt, courteous service from the SCDOR.
        • You have the right to access forms, instructions, publications, and other informational materials in plain, easy to understand language through our website at dor.sc.gov.
        • You have the right to receive notices ​with descriptions of the basis for and identification of any tax, interest, and penalties due. 
        • The SCDOR is committed to maintaining taxpayer confidentiality.​

        Offer in Compromise

        Through the Taxpayer Advocate, the SCDOR allows qualifying taxpayers to settle a tax liability for less than the full amount owed through a lump sum payment. There are two reasons for submitting and accepting an Offer in Compromise:

        • Doubt as to collectability which means doubt exists as to the ability to pay the full amount owed.
        • Economic hardship in which the taxpayer has the ability to pay the liability but cannot due to exceptional circumstances.

        For eligibility and other information: Offer in Compromise Forms and Instructions

        • SC656 - Application for Offer in Compromise
        • SC656A - Collection Information Statement for Individuals
        • SC656B  - Collection Information Statement for Businesses
